Uniform barbs processed and inspected by special image-processing machine assure your high-quality treatment.

#000 XXX Fine
#00 XX Fine
#0 X Fine
#1 Fine
#2 Medium
#3 Coarse

Lengths(L): 52mm
Packed: 12pcs per package
Packing: 6 packages per box

[Q & A]
What are barbed broaches for?
It is a dental cutting instrument with long tapered blade.
It is used for extracting dental pulp.
How to sterilize barbed broaches?
Put this product in a sterilization pack (or foil) and place it on a sterilization tray,
or stand for autoclave sterilization with reference to the following terms.
Terms for sterilization:
Term (1) temperature: 121 degrees Celsius time: 20 minutes or more
Term (2) temperature: 126 degrees Celsius time: 15 minutes or more
Be sure to sterilize this product for each use.